sábado, 14 de septiembre de 2013

Summer 2013

This summer started out poorly without a home and with Elaine's arm in a cast after being in a 70 car pile up in Mexico.  All was totaled but the insurance company is still trying to figure out how they can fix the trailer.  In the mean time we bought a "new" 2006 dully 3500 pick up and a new 2014 trailer of the same brand and model that was destroyed in the accident.   It took about six weeks to get the new trailer and another month for Cary to plan, order parts and install a 1400 watt solar system that will run our air conditioning for about three hours.  It is great to have all the electricity we should ever need where ever we go and it all come from the sun.

We spent a great weekend in July at Conchas Lake in central New Mexico with all the kids and grandkids.
Son Charlie spent much time flying through the air.

                                                            Declan enjoyed the red mud and not wearing any clothes. 

Daughter in Law Susan can get that jet ski.

Daughter in Law Lisa, Charlie and Declan walking to near by island.

Charlie and Declan on island with our trailer on peninsula  in back ground. 

Son Cary trying out his tricks on the ski board.

Grandson Brady on jet ski checking on his dad.

Daughter Elisa and her dog Buckshot and our grand daughter Sonya enjoying a quiet paddle on  a sail board. 

Quiet time in the shade of the trailer.  

We have been in Ft. Collins babysitting our now 14 month old grandson Declan.  We have had a great time as Declan is quite the character.  He is a happy and very active boy.  Though he is not yet quite walking by himself he loves to ride his "bike".   It is a "Radio Flyer", a four wheeler he sits on and pushes with his feet.  He can go as fast as we can walk, a real little speed demon.  His feet so fast you hardly see them move.  We think he will start running before he walks.

Declan with mother Susan

Declan the speed demon on his Radio Flyer

Declan with his pusher on the new deck with our trailer in the background.   We expect Declan to start walking on his own in a couple of weeks. 

Flooding in Colorado means Declan found a puddle.  It was impossible to get him out of the water.

We expect to head south next week to spend the weekend in Albuquerque at our 55th high school reunion. 

jueves, 4 de julio de 2013

Butterflies of Costa Rica

It is difficult to get started again on a blog.  I can finally use my right hand to type after three months + in a cast or brace.  I broke my arm in  a 70 car accident in Mexico.The doctor in Mexico said he thought I needed a metal plate but he couldn't do it and I suggested I get to a doctor in the US that would do it.   A doctor in Ft. Collins decided all was well and I didn't need a metal plate in my arm to hold all the broken bones together but 7 weeks later when I took the brace off the arm bent so I ended up going to a specialist in Albuquerque who operated and added a metal plate and pin to hold the bones in place.  Today is the first time since March 14th I have been able to type with two hands.  So I guess I will try to catch up.  Hope you don't get board with my photos of Costa Rica.

These are just a few of the more than 300,000 different types of butterflies in Costa Rica

Butterfly zebra long wing, heliconius charithonia

Reed holds a Blue Morph that is closed showing only the brown colors.  The one flying above his hand shows some of the blue

When the Blue Morph flies the blue color almost looks electric 
Butterfly, Blue wave,  mycelia cyaniris blue eyed


lunes, 11 de marzo de 2013

We loved our tour in Costa Rica.  The photo/birding tour was great and we were able to see different areas of the country as well as stay in nice hotels.  The highest mountains are 12,000 feet and the birds, animals and vegetation varies with the elevation.  The country may now be the most environmental aware country in the world with newly passed laws to protect the birds, animals, vegetation and water.  40% of the countries income comes from mostly eco friendly tourism. The last two days we spent with the parents of a college student that has been visiting with our son Cary.  He and his family were her family away from home for two years while she attended the United World College near Las Vegas, NM. Visiting Nicol's parents organic farm turned out to be the highlight of the trip.  The have a lovely family and an interesting lifestyle that may be common in Costa Rica.  Organic farms may be the most popular type in this country.  They are able to make, or grow almost all they need for eating.  They have cows, pigs, chickens, milk cows, a vegetable garden, fruit & nut trees, sugarcane and fields of crops for the animals.

The large kitchen was equipped with four stoves, one electric, one gas, one wood and another with gas they produced from some sort of composting process.  The large refrigerator was necessary for all the fresh fruits and vegetables.

One daily shore was cleaning the eggs for market

Guillermo showed us how cocoa is grown and made

I took this photo from Nicol's bedroom window. There are many kinds of beautiful birds all around  the farm

Luz made great meal including breakfast of fried bananas, rice and beans,  eggs and as for all meals fresh squeezed juice and fresh fruit. 

Luz and her garden

Neighbors on a Sunday ride

An outside bathroom sink and cabinets with a sink large enough to clean fruit and veggies.  The river was just below and out about 100 feet. 

Cattle were spoiled with bananas, sugarcane and other hardy foods before going to market.

Reed helping to squeeze the sweet juice out of the sugarcane.  They make and sell sugar from the sugar cane as well as feed it to the cattle. 

We are spending a great 20 days in Costa Rica.  I have been too busy to send out notices but we are now on our way to the air port.  I am just posting these photos of the Red eyed tree frog that I fell in love with.  She is so cute and about 3 inches long.  


jueves, 7 de febrero de 2013

Grandson Declan and parents visit

Our son Charlie, his wife Susan and their six month old son Declan arrived on the evening of Thursday, Jan 31st.  The weather here is about 50 degrees warmer here than in Fort Collins from where they just arrived.  They hit the beach first thing in the morning and then Charlie, Reed and a friend went fishing with Tacho, catching 22 fish.  Tacho helped us ready the fish for cooking and then we had a great fish feast.  In fact we had fish tacos last night and our freezer is still full of more fish.  Guess what we are eating tonight.   

As much time as possible Charlie, Susan and Declan could be found on the beach snorkeling, splashing in the waves or just soaking up the sun.  Declan loved sitting where the waves would come over his legs.  Instead of being afraid of the water he smiled and splashed his arms in the water with delight.  After a face plant in the soft sand he was ready for a shower. 

Saturday we toured Tulum and Charlie and I practiced HDR shots with cameras.  After a walk we climbed into a boat that was able to give us a good view of the archeological site from the seaside.  It was an exhilarating boat ride with a great view of Tulum.

On Sunday Charlie, Susan and Declan headed for the Now Sapphire 4 star resort where their friends Mesa and Justin were holding their wedding.  We joined them on Monday for a nice afternoon and beautiful beach wedding.  This is one of those all- inclusive resorts where the gourmet food is fantastic and waiters are continually encouraging patrons to try another alcoholic drink.   We ate and drank tooooo much.

Our son Charlie, his wife Susan and their six month old son Declan arrived on the evening of Thursday, Jan 31st.  The weather here is about 50 degrees warmer here than in Fort Collins from where they just arrived.  They hit the beach first thing in the morning and then Charlie, Reed and a friend went fishing with Tacho, catching 22 fish.  Tacho helped us ready the fish for cooking and then we had a great fish feast.  In fact we had fish tacos last night and our freezer is still full of more fish.  Guess what we are eating tonight.   

As much time as possible Charlie, Susan and Declan could be found on the beach snorkeling, splashing in the waves or just soaking up the sun.  Declan loved sitting where the waves would come over his legs.  Instead of being afraid of the water he smiled and splashed his arms in the water with delight.  After a face plant in the soft sand he was ready for a shower. 

Saturday we toured Tulum and Charlie and I practiced HDR shots with cameras.  After a walk we climbed into a boat that was able to give us a good view of the archeological site from the seaside.  It was an exhilarating boat ride with a great view of Tulum.

On Sunday Charlie, Susan and Declan headed for the Now Sapphire 4 star resort where their friends Mesa and Justin were holding their wedding.  We joined them on Monday for a nice afternoon and beautiful beach wedding.  This is one of those all- inclusive resorts where the gourmet food is fantastic and waiters are continually encouraging patrons to try another alcoholic drink.   We ate and drank tooooo much.
Mike and Reed relaxing in Tacho's boat on the way to a great fishing spot.

A bucket of fish. 

Declan all decked out for a day on the beach.

Declan's favoriate place was where the waves would come over him.  He would laugh when being sprayed by the water even when it went onto his face.  He is a real water boy.

Susan and Declan on the beach
Susan & Declan at Tulum
The stroller worked great in some places and not in others in Tulum
Charlie taking an HDR photo in Tulum

View of Tulum from the boat
Declan and  Susan watching the Volodores,Mayan men hanging by one leg.  They gradually come down as they swing around the poll as the man on top plays a musical instromunt

Colorful Volodor just before arriving to the ground.  I would be so dizzy I  would not be able to walk let alone stand up after such an experience, but it is beautiful to see. 

After long hikes and boat rides the tired crew enjoyed a good chicken dinner on the street in the town of Tulum